Saturday, December 4, 2010

Clean and White and back breaking!

Our first snowfall of the season. Thank goodness Jeff bought a new attachment for the riding lawn mower. It worked great and helped cut down on the hand shoveling!

Monday, November 29, 2010

You can't make this stuff up!

Yesterday in my Sunday School Class of 6 year olds:

Me: Ok kids.... in talking about the Restoration, we now have restored on the earth the two priesthoods- the Aaronic Priesthood and.............
CA (with enthusiasm): The Mechanical Priesthood!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Triplets in my backyard!

Two days ago, at noon, as I was looking out my bedroom window I saw three fawns! It was a remarkable sight. They enjoyed feeding on a mulberry bush by the pond.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

They Got It!!

Today in my Primary class we talked about gratitude and blessings. And every time the kids said something that they were grateful for, they put a spoonful of water in a cup. Well James was getting nervous as the cup was filling up fast. He was very worried and said '"The cup is going to overflow!" I saw the lights go on in Claire A's eyes and she said "Our blessings are overflowing!"

Friday, June 18, 2010

I came home from work tonight and look what I found in our pond.......a mama duck with nine little ducklings. They are so cute, I hope they stick around for awhile!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Perceptions of a 5 year old spoken this morning!

Five year old daughter: Mom, I think Grandma is going to give me the most presents for my birthday.
Mom: Why do you think that?
Daughter: Because Grandma has more money.
Mom: But what about Grandpa, doesn't he have just as much money as Grandma?
Daughter: Well, Grandma has two jobs and Grandpa only has one job....Grandma has home and work and Grandpa just has work!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Wild and Wonderful!!

So yesterday at church ,my class was their normal wild selves. Fidgety, talking to each other and completely ignoring me. Then in closing exercises, one of my kids says "Sister Anderson, you are easy to love!"
Ahhhhh, all worth it!!