Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Perceptions of a 5 year old spoken this morning!

Five year old daughter: Mom, I think Grandma is going to give me the most presents for my birthday.
Mom: Why do you think that?
Daughter: Because Grandma has more money.
Mom: But what about Grandpa, doesn't he have just as much money as Grandma?
Daughter: Well, Grandma has two jobs and Grandpa only has one job....Grandma has home and work and Grandpa just has work!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Wild and Wonderful!!

So yesterday at church ,my class was their normal wild selves. Fidgety, talking to each other and completely ignoring me. Then in closing exercises, one of my kids says "Sister Anderson, you are easy to love!"
Ahhhhh, all worth it!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yesterday we discovered that a boy, who had just finished his karate class next door, pushed over a small heart shaped monument and it casued a domino effect and knocked over 24 monuments ...all damaged..and with a retail price of about $48,000.! We were grateful no one was hurt, but were still feeling sorry for ourselves! Jeff was emailing a friend in California and told him of our misfortune,, less than 24 hours after telling our friend, this scruptious gift was delivered to our home from California...and as you can see we ate two of the covered strawberries before I could get a picture!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Marriage Plans of a Five Year Old.

Today in my Primary Class we were talking about how one of our members, Jacob, will be moving out West at the end of the school year with his parents. He was very excited that his mom was heading out first. He said with those huge excited blue eyes " And when my mom is gone I get to sleep with my dad every night!" I thought that was pretty cute....and then out of the blue, he continued talking and said "And I am still going to marry Abigail!"

Thursday, May 6, 2010

'All is Well'

In the evening, when we are settling down from a busy day, my high school sweetheart strums on the guitar. I am someplace else in the house but I can hear and it is always a comforting feeling and I think 'all is well'.
One of my kids says she remembers that feeling too and it was always soothing to her as a child.

On a cute side note: little CA was over our house one day and I asked her to please go to the living room and get something for me and she looked at my with a puzzled look on her face and said "You mean the music room?" So now we have a music room, ....... lost a living room but I'll take the trade!


My service club, Zonta International, offers scholarships. I am one of the judges at the district level. That means I am reading and rereading applications from high school senior girls from Missouri, the Dakota's and is agonizing!! These girls are amazing!!
The scholarship is based on service to their community and their awareness of women's issues in the United States and the World. These kids are so outstanding in how much they do and how they think.....what the heck was I doing during my high school years!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Life is good as a Primary Teacher

Today in Primary with my kindergarten age kids nothing crazy happened...but just the usual wonderful precious stuff...such a tribute to the kind of parents these kids are lucky to have.
I wish all children in the world had parents like my little ones have.