Monday, April 19, 2010

The Rosa Saga, part 2

Ok, so yesterday, in Primary Sharing Time, the music leader asked my little Rosa something...and I blurted out "Her name is not Rosa its Yajaira (pronounced a-hide-a). And mind you, I had previously had her write down her name for me so I would know for sure what to call her, and she wrote YAJAIRA!
And the Music Leader said, "Really, I thought it was Rosa." to which Yajaira said, "My name is Rosa"!
So again I have been calling that little girl by the wrong name!!
I told my mother and she had this story:
When my mom, Pauline, was 7 she moved with her family from small town Ticonderoga, New York to big city Albany, New York. She was painfully shy, really, really shy and when she started at the new school somehow the teacher got her name mixed up and the teacher called her Virginia. Pauline was too shy to correct the teacher and so everyone called her Virginia. When it came time to turn in her work she always got disciplined for not writing her name on the top of the paper, but this poor little 7 year old did not know how to spell Virginia!
After several weeks she finally told her mother, who told the teacher her real name. What a relief for my poor little mom, until she heard one girl in the class say "I liked the name Virginia better!"
I feel so bad for shy children, they are at the mercy of us adults!

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